Pride Development

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    Get one of our top representatives to contact you. PDC is a full service general contractor providing residential to commercial and industrial services in Arizona, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, California and Texas.
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    Remodeling and Home Design

    BBB Accredited Business

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    General Contractor License: ROC# 120226
    Commercial Contractor License: ROC# 120227

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    Month: May 2017

    Residential Construction Contractors Meeting Renovation Trends

    Residential Construction Contractors Meeting Renovation Trends

    As the economy continues to make a strong comeback, homeowners are embracing the opportunity to renovate their homes with residential construction contractors. Instead of looking for a new home, they are remodeling their house to step into modern times while meeting the latest trends in renovations and home designs. At Pride Development & Construction, we have been helping homeowners create a new dream home through the latest renovation trends.
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    Residential Remodeling Contractors Lead the Way for Aging-In-Home Renovations

    Home renovations in 2017 continue to skyrocket with an estimated growth of 2% per year through 2025. Residential remodeling contractors, like Pride Development & Construction, are helping to fill the demand for home remodeling as aging-in-place remodels are in an upward swing. Renovations for those 55 years and older are increasing to make homes more accommodating. In fact, according to a NAHB survey, 80% of construction companies are helping homeowners in this age bracket stay in their home by making it more accessible.
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    Residential Remodeling Contractors Lead the Way for Aging-In-Home Renovations