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    Month: April 2018

    Invest Your Tax Refund with Your Home Improvement Contractors in Arizona

    Invest Your Tax Refund with Your Home Improvement Contractors in Arizona

    Tax season is officially here! As you receive your refund check this year, why not put the extra money to good use? Invest in your home by making improvements that will increase its value while also enhancing your living space. Your home improvement contractors in Arizona will help you make the most of your tax refund with simple upgrades that pay off.

    Improve Curb Appeal

    The outside of your home provides the first impression for visitors and passerby’s. If the exterior is saying the wrong thing about the interior, consider installing more modern windows, a new front door, or redoing your stucco or siding.

    Give Your Ceiling a Facelift

    Ceilings are often one of the most overlooked areas of the home. If they are outdated, they can make a room feel drab and dull. To give a room a facelift, consider saying good-bye to your popcorn ceiling, install crown molding, or add recessed lighting fixtures.

    Revamp Your Flooring

    Hardwood floors are easy to maintain while adding elegance to your house. If you have carpet, laminate, or tile, give your home a makeover by adding custom hardwood floors. This upgrade alone has shown to return your investment as much as two times.

    Extend Your Outdoor Space

    Arizona is home to great weather all year. You can spend more time enjoying the great outdoors by adding a patio or deck to your home. Not only will you add more functional space to your house for entertaining, but you can see as much as a 120% return on your investment.

    Add a Splash of Flare

    Adding backsplash to your kitchen or bathroom is a great way to add new personality to a room while also increasing your home’s value. This simple upgrade is an inexpensive way to make a room pop.

    Invest in French Doors

    French doors are a great way to brighten a room while helping to bring outside into your home. Not only are they visually appealing, but they are also energy-efficient to help reduce heating and cooling costs.

    Invest in Your Home Today

    This year, do not let your tax refund go to waste. Invest it with your home improvement contractors in Arizona.

    If you are ready to transform your living space, Pride Development & Construction can help. Request a no obligation estimate today!