When you remodel your home, you shouldn’t overlook the ceiling. There are many more options for your ceiling besides a flat, white surface. You can choose different textures or install foam or metal tiles with different designs. You can paint a design on the ceiling, like a chevron print that’s very popular, or even paint it a solid color other than white.
Box beams are an affordable and stylish option for ceilings that create the look of structural wooden beams without the intensive installation or the high price tag. If you are planning to remodel your Phoenix home, Woodland Custom Beam Company offers box beams with a number of benefits. Here are a few reasons why you should consider these perfect beams for your Phoenix remodel:

Light Weight
Structural ceiling beams are made of a heavy and thick wood that can be difficult to install, depending on the other materials in your home. However, the box beams from Woodland Custom Beam Company are light weight, so they can be installed on any type of ceiling. You don’t have to make other structural changes to accommodate the beams. You can create any design you like on your existing ceiling without worrying about the strain the beams will put on the sheet rock. The only thing you’ll need is some good hanging hardware.
Installing heavy, structural ceiling beams can be quite an expensive undertaking. However, installing box beams can be affordable for almost any remodeling budget. The beams are lighter weight, and they do not require the same thickness of structural beams, so the materials cost is much lower. They also don’t require the same intensive installation as structural beams, which lowers the cost of labor. They can make a big impact on your design without having to break your budget.
Of course, more intricate designs can increase the cost, as can the choice of certain woods. However, there are a number of options that are inexpensive so you can get the look you want even without a huge remodeling budget.
Green Option
Choosing eco-friendly building materials is important to help protect the environment. Box beams can be an environmentally friendly choice, depending on the type you choose. Box beams use far less lumber than structural beams, which automatically makes them a greener choice for remodels. They use fewer natural resources and require less energy to make them and transport them. Some box beams are made from reclaimed materials. Those beams use no new materials, and they have zero VOCs (volatile organic compounds) since they aren’t treated with new chemicals such as sealants or paints.
When you remodel, you may give a lot of thought to what color to paint your walls or what kinds of window treatments to choose, but you may be overlooking an important opportunity with your ceiling.
Consider how box beams might raise the profile of your room, giving it a luxurious look without the expensive price tag. Woodland Custom Beam Company offers light weight, affordable, and eco-friendly options in the Phoenix area, whether you are planning to do a remodel on your home or you are designing a new home build.
Woodland Custom Beam Company – Mike Capuzzo
4107 E. Ashler Hills Drive
Cave Creek, Arizona 85331
Office: 480-575-6758
Fax: 480-575-2716
Website: http://woodlandbeam.com