Pride Development

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    Month: September 2015

    The History of Modern Concrete

    The History of Modern Concrete

    While concrete might be ubiquitous today, it actually has a long history that dates back to Ancient Egypt. The same principles were used to make the materials you see in bridges and buildings today and the Egyptian pyramids over 5,000 years ago — with some variation. The Ancient Egyptians used the earliest forms of concrete with a mixture of mud and straw for the bricks and gypsum and lime for the mortar.

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    The Disastrous Effects of Failing Tank Coatings in Phoenix

    Tank coatings provide an essential protective measure for your industrial tanks. They help to prevent corrosion of the tanks, which can not only threaten the purity of what’s inside but can also lead to a leak. When your tanks fail, you can lose valuable commodities and face extensive repair bills. Failing tanks can also cause extensive damage to your property, the environment and people who are unlucky enough to be in the vicinity.

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    The Disastrous Effects of Failing Tank Coatings in Phoenix