Pride Development

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    Category: Phoenix

    Experience the Difference with General Contracting in Arizona

    Experience the Difference with General Contracting in Arizona

    Since 1993, Pride Development and Construction has been a trusted leader for general contracting in Arizona. We take pride in ensuring your satisfaction while striving for the highest quality of services. Although there are many other construction companies in Arizona, we raise the bar for exceptional services. As a primer source for residential, commercial, and industrial construction services, we are well-known for superior results.

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    Meet Your Full-Service General Contractor in Arizona

    When it comes to completing your construction project, you need the right team working with you from the very start. However, that can often be a challenge. Many construction companies do not offer all the services you need, adding hassle to the project’s completion. Skip the headache and choose a full-service general contractor in Arizona with Pride Development and Construction.
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    Meet Your Full-Service General Contractor in Arizona
    5 Must-Have Kitchen Remodel Features from Your Home General Contractor

    5 Must-Have Kitchen Remodel Features from Your Home General Contractor

    The National Association of Home Builders Remodeling Market Index Survey continues to rank kitchen remodels as a top investment in your home. In fact, 79% of home renovations involve upgrading the kitchen. Now, you have many excellent options to transform the space, making it difficult to determine which features will produce the highest return. As your home general contractor, Pride Development and Construction discusses the must-have kitchen remodel features.
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    Custom Roofs for Phoenix Custom Homes

    You choose to build a custom home because you want something that stands out from the rest of the homes in your neighborhood and because you want a home that perfectly fits your needs. You get tired of finding homes that have one bedroom less than you want or that have cramped bathrooms or that are perfect except for the fact that they don’t have a garage or a fenced yard or some other must-have feature.

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    The Economic Advantages of Phoenix Floor Coatings

    The Economic Advantages of Phoenix Floor Coatings

    Advantages of Phoenix Industrial Floor Coatings

    The Economic Advantages of Phoenix Floor Coatings
    >In this blog, the floor coating experts at Pride Development & Construction share the many advantages of your Phoenix industrial floor coatings.
    Phoenix, Arizona

    Whether you run a commercial business or industrial operations in Phoenix Arizona, floor coatings offer many advantages that can help protect your facility and your business. Most business owners don’t think much about their floors, other than how they look for potential clients or how easy they will be to clean for a manufacturing base. But floors have much more influence than that.

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    3 Reasons Why You Should Renovate Your Phoenix Home or Apartment Now

    Renovate Your Phoenix Arizona Home or Apartment Today

    We’ve all been there before. First, it starts out that the the kitchen faucet had sprung a leak and the water was starting to seep into the cabinets below. Then in the master bathroom of our Phoenix homes, the steam and condensation from years of hot showers and baths was causing the paint on the walls and ceilings to crack and chip. But it wasn’t enough to convince most of us to renovate. Then the kicker: what we thought were high quality wood floors when, we bought the quaint Arizona home, ended up being much cheaper and poorly installed. The edging slats that separate the wood floor from any carpet have started cracking in half and splintering from wear. And we wake up one morning in our homes and realize everything has gotten old and dilapidated in our home. Whether this has happened all in a short period of time or over many months, here are three reasons to renovate your Phoenix home or apartment now.
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    4 Reasons You Need a Full Service General Contractor

    It’s no secret that Arizona, and Phoenix especially, is a growth based economy. What that means is that the Phoenix area and Arizona as a whole grow with construction, population growth, and construction related industries. Now you may wonder what does this have to do with needing a full service general contractor [GC] ? Well let us explain. Because we’re a growth based economy, that means that across the Valley, and Arizona in general, there are a lot of construction and contracting companies yearning for your business. Which leads us to the first reason for needing a full service general contractor
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    4 Reasons You Need a Full Service General Contractor

    How To Know If Your Phoenix Home Has Asbestos – And What To Do About It?

    How to Know if Your Phoenix Home is Infested with Asbestos

    This may seem like a simple task to complete. One would think that you would go up into the attic or check the drywall to see if any of the insulation has asbestos. But then, the question must be asked? Do you know what asbestos looks like or how to identify it? And then, if you could figure out if your Phoenix home has asbestos, what would be the best way of removing it without harming yourself or your family in the process? These are all great questions that we at Pride Development & Construction work on answering every single day. Though we do a lot of work in the industrial and commercial industries across the Southwest we also work a lot with asbestos abatement in Phoenix homes too! It has always been our motto, “We take pride in our work. No jobs too small.”

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    Foam Injection vs Epoxy Injection


    Though it may seem like foam injections and epoxy injections are similar, they’re actually quite different. They each have unique uses for your Phoenix industrial concrete repairs and reinforcement needs. That’s why we’re going to take a look at the two services and discuss their differences. So when you need one of these services from Pride Development & Construction, you can be confident knowing that your Phoenix industrial building is receiving the correct injection service.

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