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    Category: Concrete Repair

    Identifying Phoenix Concrete Failure

    Identifying Phoenix Concrete Failure

    You need a Phoenix concrete expert to install your concrete structures to ensure that they are strong and have a long lifespan. Even minor mistakes in the mixing of the concrete, the curing or the placement can lead to major problems requiring concrete repair later. Major mistakes such as lack of concrete reinforcement can cause the structure to crumble, requiring total concrete restoration.

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    The History of Modern Concrete

    The History of Modern Concrete

    While concrete might be ubiquitous today, it actually has a long history that dates back to Ancient Egypt. The same principles were used to make the materials you see in bridges and buildings today and the Egyptian pyramids over 5,000 years ago — with some variation. The Ancient Egyptians used the earliest forms of concrete with a mixture of mud and straw for the bricks and gypsum and lime for the mortar.

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    How Long Does Concrete Last in Colorado?

    how long does concrete last in Colorado

    How Long Does Concrete Last in Colorado?
    Facts about the longivity and properties of concrete

    Concrete is one of the longest-lasting man-made materials you can use. In fact, some buildings made of concrete are still standing after thousands of years. The Hoover Dam, the Panama Canal, the Roman Pantheon and the Roman Colosseum are all made of concrete, and they are still going strong even after so much time has passed. The Hoover Dam and the Panama Canal are exposed to trillions of gallons of water, and they stand up to the elements.

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    Caring for Your New Mexico Aging Mine

    Support Reinforcement with Carbon Fiber by Pride Development & Construction

    Caring for Your New Mexico Aging Mine
    In this blog, learn how Pride Development & Construction can help you to maintain and restore your Aging Mine.
    New Mexico

    An aging industrial mine is a ticking time bomb. Aging pillars can weaken and eventually crack or crumble, allowing for a part of the roof or the entire mine shaft to collapse. Not only can such an accident lead to severe injuries (or even fatalities) for your crew, but it can cause tens of thousands of dollars in damage (or more).

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    Making the Case For Structural Strengthening In Every New Phoenix Building Foundation.

    Phoenix Building Concrete Repair Services by Pride Development & Construction

    Of all the quotes and cliches about needing a strong foundation, the foundations of a strong education, fundamentals being the foundation of great sports teams. Etc. Etc. You get the point. But cliches aside, industrial facilities truly need a structurally strengthened foundation. Pride Development & Construction highly recommends that every industrial facility have a carbon fiber reinforced foundation. This structural strengthening not only improves the durability of an industrial facility’s foundation but it helps mitigate the risk of a broken foundation occurring years into the building’s lifespan. And that’s just one of many other major damages that can result in the need for costly building repairs.

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    Why A Dam Needs Concrete Repairs and How Those Repairs Can Save Money


    Without going into the specifics or engineering science behind dam building, it’s important to recognize the simple fact that dams need repairs. But why? From engineering marvels like the Hoover dam to small county maintained dams that can often look like nothing more than a large mound of dirt, the simple answer is that dams deteriorate with age. Not Repairing Concrete constructed dams without consistent reparations will crack, leak or allow seepage, and could structurally become unstable from the negligence. Regardless, even if dams are well maintained there could still be fundamental problems with the concrete dam that requires more concrete repairs.

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